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Espolòn, Tequila Blanco

Product price



Unaged, Blanco is the purest expression of Espolòn tequila. Created in the famed hills of Los Altos, the Blanco tequila is double distilled using column and pot stills to give it a perfectly smooth and balanced taste profile.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • La Gritona, Tequila Reposado 750ml

    La Gritona, Tequila Reposado 750ml

    Look for a pale straw hue and fruity/funky aromas. The palate offers distinct tropical fruit notes, opening with lychee and a faint floral hint, plus a faint waft of ripe-banana funk midpalate. The finish is long and drying, showing grapefruit peel and pink peppercorn. Sip or mix into Palomas.


  • Don Julio, Tequila Anejo 1942

    Don Julio, Tequila Anejo 1942

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  • Don Julio Anejo Tequila, 750 ml

    Don Julio Anejo Tequila, 750 ml

    Barrel aged in smaller batches for eighteen months in American white-oak barrels. Rich, distinctive and wonderfully complex, its flavor strikes the perfect balance between agave, wood and hints of vanilla. Best experienced neat in a snifter or simply on the rocks.


  • Casamigos, Tequila Blanco

    Casamigos, Tequila Blanco

    Casamigos hand-selects the finest 100% Blue Weber agaves, grown in the rich red clay soil and cool climate of the Highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. Agave piñas are roasted in traditional brick ovens for 72 hours and go through an 80 hour fermentation process. 40% ABV Jalisco, Mexico
